view code/ @ 9:526bec3b2090

Function call and lambda expression support. Fix ABI for main function. Use main definition for number of args rather than assuming 2 of them.
author Michael Pavone <>
date Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:45:55 -0700
parents 494ef2e3a756
children 66d0858692a9
line wrap: on
line source

	inst <- :_name _args {
			name <- _name
			args <- _args
			translateLabels <- :labelDict {
				missing <- #[]
				foreach: args :idx arg {
					if: (object does: arg understand?: "isString?") && (arg isString?) {
						labelDict ifget: arg :translated {
							args set: idx translated
						} else: {
							missing append: arg
			label <- ""
			string <- {
				(if: label != "" { ";" . label . "\n  " } else: { "  " }
				) . name . " " . (args join: " ")
	_nextLabel <- 0
	_setLabel <- :inst {
	prog <- #{
		instructions <- #[]
		add <- :inst {
			instructions append: (_setLabel: inst)
		makeLabel <- :suffix {
			num <- _nextLabel
			_nextLabel <- _nextLabel + 1
			"" . num . "_" . suffix
		labels <- dict hash
		setLabel <- :name {
			labels set: name pc
			_setLabel <- :inst {
				_setLabel <- :i { i }
				inst label!: name
		pc <- { instructions length }
		print <- {
			foreach: instructions :idx i {
				missing <- i translateLabels: labels
				if: (missing length) > 0 {
					error: "Undefined labels " . (missing join: ", ") . " at address " . idx
				print: (string: i) . "\n"
	error <- :msg {
		(file stderr) write: "Error - " . msg . "\n"

	_exprHandlers <- dict hash
	compileExpr:syms <- :expr :syms {
		_exprHandlers ifget: (expr nodeType) :handler {
			handler: expr syms
		} else: {
			error: "Unhandled node type " . (expr nodeType)
	_exprHandlers set: (ast intlit) :expr syms {
		prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[(expr val)])
	_exprHandlers set: (ast sequence) :expr syms {
		count <- 0
		foreach: (expr els) :idx el {
			compileExpr: el syms: syms
			count <- count + 1
		if: (expr array?) {
			count <- count - 1
		} else: {
			prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[0])
		while: { count > 0} do: {
			prog add: (inst: "CONS" #[])
			count <- count - 1
	_opNames <- dict hash
	_opNames set: "+" "ADD"
	_opNames set: "-" "SUB"
	_opNames set: "*" "MUL"
	_opNames set: "/" "DIV"
	_opNames set: "|" "CONS"
	_opNames set: "=" "CEQ"
	_opNames set: ">" "CGT"
	_opNames set: ">=" "CGTE"
	_exprHandlers set: (ast binary) :expr syms {
		if: (expr op) = "|" {
			compileExpr: (expr left) syms: syms
			compileExpr: (expr right) syms: syms
		} else: {
			compileExpr: (expr right) syms: syms
			compileExpr: (expr left) syms: syms
		_opNames ifget: (expr op) :i {
			prog add: (inst: i #[])
		} else: {
			if: (expr op) = "<" {
				prog add: (inst: "CGTE" #[])
				prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[0])
				prog add: (inst: "CEQ" #[])
			} else: {
				if: (expr op) = "<=" {
					prog add: (inst: "CGT" #[])
					prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[0])
					prog add: (inst: "CEQ" #[])
				} else: {
					error: "operator " . (expr op) . " is not supported"
	_funHandlers <- dict hash
	_funHandlers set: "if:else" :args syms {
		compileExpr: (args value) syms: syms
		args <- args tail
		tlabel <- prog makeLabel: "true"
		flabel <- prog makeLabel: "false"
		elabel <- prog makeLabel: "end"
		prog add: (inst: "TSEL" #[
		prog setLabel: tlabel
		foreach: ((args value) expressions) :idx expr {
			compileExpr: expr syms: syms
		prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[1])
		prog add: (inst: "TSEL" #[
		args <- args tail
		prog setLabel: flabel
		foreach: ((args value) expressions) :idx expr {
			compileExpr: expr syms: syms
		prog setLabel: elabel
	_funHandlers set: "isInteger?" :args syms {
		compileExpr: (args value) syms: syms
		prog add: (inst: "ATOM" #[])
	_funHandlers set: "value" :args syms {
		compileExpr: (args value) syms: syms
		prog add: (inst: "CAR" #[])
	_funHandlers set: "tail" :args syms {
		compileExpr: (args value) syms: syms
		prog add: (inst: "CDR" #[])
	_funHandlers set: "not" :args syms {
		compileExpr: (args value) syms: syms
		prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[0])
		prog add: (inst: "CEQ" #[])
	_exprHandlers set: (ast call) :expr syms {
		tc <- (expr tocall)
		normal <- true
		if: (tc nodeType) = (ast sym) {
			_funHandlers ifget: (tc name) :handler {
				handler: (expr args) syms
				normal <- false
			} else: {
		if: normal {
			compileExpr: tc syms: syms
			num <- 0
			foreach: (expr args) :idx arg {
				compileExpr: arg syms: syms
				num <- num + 1
			prog add: (inst: "AP" #[num])
	_exprHandlers set: (ast sym) :expr syms {
		syms ifDefined: (expr name) :info {
			frame <- if: (info isLocal?) { 0 } else: { info depth }
			prog add: (inst: "LD" #[
				(info def)
		} else: {
			error: "symbol " . (expr name) . " is not defined"
	_exprHandlers set: (ast assignment) :expr syms {
		sym <- expr to
		syms ifDefined: (sym name) :info {
			frame <- if: (info isLocal?) { 0 } else: { info depth }
			compileExpr: (expr assign) syms: syms
			prog add: (inst: "ST" #[
				(info def)
		} else: {
			error: "symbol " . (sym name) . " is not defined"
	compileLambda:syms <- :fname fun :syms {
		prog setLabel: fname
		argsyms <- symbols tableWithParent: syms
		foreach: (fun args) :idx el {
			argsyms define: (if: (el startsWith?: ":") { el from: 1 } else: { el }) idx
		slot <- 0
		locsyms <- symbols tableWithParent: argsyms
		foreach: (fun expressions) :idx expr {
			if: (expr nodeType) = (ast assignment) {
				locsyms ifDefined: ((expr to) name) :sym {
					//already defined, nothing to do here
				} else: {
					locsyms define: ((expr to) name) slot
					slot <- slot + 1
		fsyms <- if: slot > 0 {
			//allocate frame for locals
			prog add: (inst: "DUM" #[slot])
			i <- 0
			while: { i < slot } do: {
				prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[0])
				i <- i + 1
			prologue_end <- prog makeLabel: fname . "_real"
			prog add: (inst: "LDF" #[prologue_end])
			prog add: (inst: "TRAP" #[slot])
			prog setLabel: prologue_end
		} else: { argsyms }
		foreach: (fun expressions) :idx expr {
			compileExpr: expr syms: fsyms
		prog add: (inst: "RTN" #[])
	_exprHandlers set: (ast lambda) :expr syms {
		fname <- prog makeLabel: "lambda"
		end <- prog makeLabel: "lambda_end"
		prog add: (inst: "LDC" #[1])
		prog add: (inst: "TSEL" #[
		compileLambda: fname expr syms: syms
		prog setLabel: end
		compile <- :code {
			res <- parser top: code
			if: res {
				outer <- res yield
				functions <- dict hash
				num <- (outer messages) length
				syms <- symbols table
				prog add: (inst: "DUM" #[num])
				slot <- 0
				mainArgs <- 0
				foreach: (outer messages) :idx msg {
					if: (msg nodeType) = (ast assignment) {
						def <- msg assign
						sym <- (msg to) name
						if: (def nodeType) = (ast lambda) {
							prog add: (inst: "LDF" #[sym])
							functions set: sym def
							if: sym = "main" {
								mainArgs <- (def args) length
						} else: {
							compileExpr: def syms: syms
						syms define: sym slot
						slot <- slot + 1
					} else: {
						error: "Only assignments are allowed at the top level"
				after_env <- prog makeLabel: "after_env"
				prog add: (inst: "LDF" #[after_env])
				prog add: (inst: "TRAP" #[num])
				prog setLabel: after_env
				i <- 0
				while: { i < mainArgs } do: {
					prog add: (inst: "LD" #[
					i <- i + 1
				prog add: (inst: "LDF" #["main"])
				prog add: (inst: "TAP" #[mainArgs])
				foreach: functions :fname fun {
					compileLambda: fname fun syms: syms
				print: prog
			} else: {
				error: "Parse failed!"

		compileFile <- :filename {
			f <- file open: filename
			compile: (f readAll)
		main <- :args {
			if: (args length) > 1 {
				compileFile: (args get: 1)
			} else: {
				print: "Usage lmc FILE\n"