diff jsbackend.rhope @ 133:e1911b2fd5cc

Start work on Javascript backend
author Mike Pavone <pavone@retrodev.com>
date Wed, 10 Nov 2010 22:29:33 -0500
children 18a4403fe576
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/jsbackend.rhope	Wed Nov 10 22:29:33 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1661 @@
+Import backendutils_c.rhope
+Blueprint JS Method Registry
+	Lookup
+	Next ID
+JS Method Registry[:out]
+	builtins <- [[[[[[[[[[[[[Dictionary[]
+		]Set["+", "METHOD_ADD"]
+		]Set["-", "METHOD_SUB"]
+		]Set["/", "METHOD_DIV"]
+		]Set["*", "METHOD_MUL"]
+		]Set["LShift", "METHOD_LSHIFT"]
+		]Set["RShift", "METHOD_RSHIFT"]
+		]Set["=", "METHOD_EQUALS"]
+		]Set[">", "METHOD_GREATER"]
+		]Set["<", "METHOD_LESS"]
+		]Set["If", "METHOD_IF"]
+		]Set["Set Missing Field", "METHOD_SETFIELDMISSING"]
+		]Set["Get Missing Field", "METHOD_GETFIELDMISSING"]
+		]Set["Missing Method", "METHOD_MISSING"]
+	out <- [[Build[JS Method Registry()]]Lookup <<[builtins]]Next ID<<[0]
+Register Method@JS Method Registry[reg,method:out]
+	[[reg]Lookup >>]Index[method]
+	{
+		out <- reg
+	}{
+		method ID <- [reg]Next ID>>
+		new lookup <- [[reg]Lookup >>]Set[method, ["METHOD_FIRST_USER+"]Append[String[method ID]]]
+		out <- [[reg]Lookup <<[new lookup]]Next ID <<[[method ID]+[1]]
+	}
+Method ID@JS Method Registry[reg,method:out,notfound]
+	out,notfound <- [[reg]Lookup >>]Index[method]
+Blueprint JS Field Registry
+	Lookup
+	Next ID
+JS Field Registry[:out]
+	out <- [[Build[JS Field Registry()]]Lookup <<[Dictionary[]]]Next ID<<[1]
+Register Field@JS Field Registry[reg,field:out]
+	[[reg]Lookup >>]Index[field]
+	{
+		out <- reg
+	}{
+		field ID <- [reg]Next ID>>
+		new lookup <- [[reg]Lookup >>]Set[field, field ID]
+		out <- [[reg]Lookup <<[new lookup]]Next ID <<[[field ID]+[1]]
+	}
+Field ID@JS Field Registry[reg,field:out,notfound]
+	out,notfound <- [[reg]Lookup >>]Index[field]
+Blueprint JS Type
+	Name
+	Fields
+	Methods
+	Init
+	Copy
+	Cleanup
+JS Type[name:out]
+	out <- [[[[[[Build[JS Type()]]Name <<[name]]Fields <<[()]]Methods <<[()]]Init <<["NULL"]]Copy <<["NULL"]]Cleanup <<["NULL"]
+Add Field@JS Type[ctype,name,type:out]
+	out <- [ctype]Fields <<[ [[ctype]Fields >>]Append[ [[()]Append[name]]Append[type] ] ]
+Add Method@JS Type[ctype,name:out]
+	out <- [ctype]Methods <<[ [[ctype]Methods >>]Append[name] ]
+Register Methods@JS Type[ctype,method reg:out]
+	out <- Fold[Register Method[?], method reg, [ctype]Methods >>]
+_Register Field JS[reg,field:out]
+	name <- [field]Index[0]
+	out <- [reg]Register Field[name]
+Register Fields@JS Type[ctype,field reg:out]
+	out <- Fold[_Register Field JS[?], field reg, [ctype]Fields >>]
+Rhope Type to JS[type,p:out,array]
+	If[[Blueprint Of[type]]=[Type Instance()]]
+	{
+		variant <- [type]Variant >>
+		If[[[type]Name >>] = ["Array"]]
+		{
+			[("Naked","Raw Pointer")]Find[=[variant,?]]
+			{
+				/*
+				//Below code assumes that paramaterized types are implemented
+				pre param <- [[type]Params >>]Index[0] {}
+				{ pre param <- Type Instance["Any Type"] }
+				[[type]Params >>]Index[1]
+				{ param,param <- [pre param]Set Variant[~] }
+				{ param <- Val[pre param] }
+				child type <- Rhope Type to JS[param]
+				If[[variant] = ["Naked"]]
+				{
+					out <- Val[child type]
+					array <- "[1]"
+				}{
+					out <- [child type]Append[" *"]
+					array <- ""
+				} */
+				out <- "void *"
+				array <- ""
+			}{
+				typename <- "Array"
+			}
+			primitive <- No
+		}{	
+			,regulartype <- [("Naked","Raw Pointer")]Find[=[variant,?]]
+			{
+				[("Int64","Int32","Int16","Int8")]Find[=[[type]Name >>,?]]
+				{
+					primitive <- Yes
+					[[type]Name >>]Slice[3] {}
+					{ typename <- [["int"]Append[~]]Append["_t"] }
+				}{
+					,regulartype <- [("UInt64","UInt32","UInt16","UInt8")]Find[=[[type]Name >>,?]]
+					{
+						primitive <- Yes
+						[[type]Name >>]Slice[4] {}
+						{ typename <- [["uint"]Append[~]]Append["_t"] }
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Val[regulartype]
+			{
+				typename <- [type]Name >>
+				primitive <- No
+			}
+		}
+	}{
+		typename <- type
+		param <- "Any Type"
+		variant <- "boxed"
+		primitive <- No
+	}
+	Val[typename]
+	{ array <- "" }
+	If[[typename] = ["Any Type"]]
+	{
+		out <- "struct object *"
+	}{
+		[("Naked","Raw Pointer")]Find[=[variant,?]]
+		{
+			If[primitive]
+			{
+				prefix <- ""
+			}{
+				prefix <- "nt_"
+			}
+		}{
+			prefix <- "t_"
+		}
+		If[[variant]=["Naked"]]
+		{
+			postfix <- ""
+		}{
+			postfix <- " *"
+		}
+	}
+	If[primitive]
+	{
+		escaped <- Val[typename]	
+	}{
+		escaped <- Escape Rhope Name[typename,p]
+	}
+	out <- [[prefix]Append[escaped]]Append[postfix]
+_Type Def JS Type[text,field,p:out]
+	name <- [field]Index[0]
+	,postfix <- Rhope Type to JS[[field]Index[1],p]
+	{ type <- ["\n\t"]Append[~] }
+	out <- [[[[text]Append[type]]Append[" "]]Append[[Escape Rhope Name[name,p]]Append[postfix]]]Append[";"]
+Type Def@JS Type[ctype,p:out]
+	If[[[[ctype]Fields >>]Length] = [1]]
+	{
+		out <- [[[[_Type Def JS Type["typedef struct {\n\tobject _SP_header;\n\t", [[ctype]Fields >>]Index[0], p]]Append["\n} t_"]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Name >>,p]]]Append[";"]
+					]Append[ 
+						[[[["typedef "
+							]Append[Rhope Type to JS[ [[[ctype]Fields >>]Index[0]]Index[1],p ]]
+							]Append[" nt_"]
+							]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Name >>,p]]
+							]Append[";"] ]
+	}{
+		//HACK!!!
+		If[[[ctype]Name >>]=["Blueprint"]]
+		{
+			out <- ""	
+		}{
+			[("Array","Boxed Array","Worker")]Find[=[[ctype]Name >>,?]]
+			{ oend <- "\nMObject(" }
+			{ oend <- "\nObject(" } 
+			out <- [Fold[_Type Def JS Type[?,?,p], "OBegin", [ctype]Fields >>]]Append[ [[oend]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Name >>,p]]]Append[")"] ]
+		}
+	}
+_Type Init JS[type name,method reg,text,method,p:out]
+	out <- [[text]Append[[["\n\tadd_method(bp, "]Append[ [method reg]Method ID[method] ]]Append[  [[", MethodName("]Append[Escape Rhope Name[method,p]]]Append[[","]Append[Escape Rhope Name[type name,p]]]]]]Append["));"]
+_Type Init JS Field[type name,field reg,text,field,p:out]
+	fname <- [field]Index[0]
+	out <- [[[[text]Append[[["\n\tadd_getter(bp, "]Append[ String[[field reg]Field ID[fname]] ]]Append[  [[", MethodName("]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[fname]Append[" >>"],p]]]Append[[","]Append[Escape Rhope Name[type name,p]]]]]]Append["));"]
+		]Append[[["\n\tadd_setter(bp, "]Append[ String[[field reg]Field ID[fname]] ]]Append[  [[", MethodName("]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[fname]Append[" <<"],p]]]Append[[","]Append[Escape Rhope Name[type name,p]]]]]]Append["));"]
+Type Init@JS Type[ctype,id,method reg,field reg,p:out]
+	[("Array","Boxed Array", "Worker")]Find[=[[ctype]Name >>, ?]]
+	{ size <- "-1" }
+	{ 
+		[("Int64","Int32","Int16","Int8")]Find[=[[ctype]Name >>, ?]]
+		{
+			[[ctype]Name >>]Slice[3] {}
+			{ typename <- [["int"]Append[~]]Append["_t"] }
+		}{
+			[("UInt64","UInt32","UInt16","UInt8")]Find[=[[ctype]Name >>, ?]]
+			{
+				[[ctype]Name >>]Slice[4] {}
+				{ typename <- [["uint"]Append[~]]Append["_t"] }
+			}{
+				If[[[ctype]Name >>]=["Blueprint"]]
+				{ typename <- "blueprint *" }
+				{ 
+					If[[[ctype]Name >>]=["Boolean"]]
+					{ typename <- "int32_t" }
+					{ typename <- ["nt_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Name >>,p]] }
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		size <- [["sizeof("]Append[typename]]Append[")"] 
+	}
+	start <- [["\tbp = register_type_byid("
+		]Append[id]
+		]Append[
+			[[", "]Append[size]
+			]Append[
+				[", (special_func)"]Append[
+					[ 
+						[[[[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Init >>,p]
+						]Append[", (special_func)"]
+						]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Copy >> ,p]]
+						]Append[", (special_func)"]
+						]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[ctype]Cleanup >>,p]]         
+					]Append[");"]]] ]
+	out <- Val[start]//Fold[[["_Type Init JS Field"]Set Input[0, [ctype]Name >>]]Set Input[1, field reg], Fold[[["_Type Init JS"]Set Input[0, [ctype]Name >>]]Set Input[1, method reg], start, [ctype]Methods >>], [ctype]Fields >>]
+Blueprint JS Type Registry
+	Lookup
+	Definitions
+	Next ID
+	Escape Pattern
+JS Type Registry[p:out]
+	out <- [[[[Build[JS Type Registry()]]Lookup << [
+			[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Dictionary[]
+			]Set["UInt8", "TYPE_UINT8"]			//1
+			]Set["UInt16", "TYPE_UINT16"]		//2
+			]Set["UInt32", "TYPE_UINT32"]		//3
+			]Set["UInt64", "TYPE_UINT64"]		//4
+			]Set["Int8", "TYPE_INT8"]			//5
+			]Set["Int16", "TYPE_INT16"]			//6
+			]Set["Int32", "TYPE_INT32"]			//7
+			]Set["Int64", "TYPE_INT64"]			//8
+			]Set["Boolean", "TYPE_BOOLEAN"]		//9
+			]Set["Float32", "TYPE_FLOAT32"]		//10
+			]Set["Float64", "TYPE_FLOAT64"]		//11
+			]Set["Real Number", "TYPE_FLOAT64"]
+			]Set["Blueprint", "TYPE_BLUEPRINT"]	//12
+			]Set["Array", "TYPE_ARRAY"]			//13
+			]Set["Boxed Array", "TYPE_BOXEDARRAY"]//14
+			]Set["Worker", "TYPE_WORKER"]		//15
+			]Set["Method Missing Exception", "TYPE_METHODMISSINGEXCEPTION"]	//16
+			]Set["Field Missing Exception", "TYPE_FIELDMISSINGEXCEPTION"]	//17
+			]Set["Wrong Type Exception", "TYPE_WRONGTYPEEXCEPTION"]]		//18
+		]Definitions << [Dictionary[]]
+		]Next ID <<[0]
+		]Escape Pattern <<[p]
+_Type Defs JS[text,def,p:out]
+	out <- [[text]Append[[def]Type Def[p]]]Append["\n\n"]
+Type Defs@JS Type Registry[reg:out]
+	out <- Fold[_Type Defs JS[?,?,[reg]Escape Pattern >>], "", [reg]Definitions >>]
+_Type Inits JS[reg,method reg,field reg,text,def,name:out]
+	out <- [[text]Append[ [def]Type Init[[reg]Type ID[name], method reg, field reg,[reg]Escape Pattern >>] ]]Append["\n\n"]
+Type Inits@JS Type Registry[reg,method reg,field reg:out]
+	out <- Fold[_Type Inits JS[reg, method reg, field reg, ?], "", [reg]Definitions >>]
+Register Type@JS Type Registry[reg,def:out]
+	name <- [def]Name >>
+	[[reg]Lookup >>]Index[name]
+	{
+		[[reg]Definitions >>]Index[name]
+		{
+			out <- reg
+		}{
+			out <- [reg]Definitions <<[[[reg]Definitions >>]Set[name, def]]
+		}
+	}{
+		out <- [[[reg]Lookup <<[ [[reg]Lookup >>]Set[name, ["TYPE_FIRST_USER+"]Append[String[[reg]Next ID >>]]] ]
+			]Definitions <<[ [[reg]Definitions >>]Set[name, def] ]
+			]Next ID <<[ [[reg]Next ID >>]+[1] ]
+	}
+Type ID@JS Type Registry[reg,name:out,notfound]
+	out <- [[reg]Lookup >>]Index[name] {}
+	{
+		,notfound <- If[[name]=["Any Type"]]
+		{ out <- "0" }
+	}
+Simple Type?@JS Type Registry[reg,name:yep,nope,notfound]
+	,notfound <- [[reg]Definitions >>]Index[name]
+	{
+		yep,nope <- If[[[[~]Fields >>]Length] = [1]]
+	}
+Defined?@JS Type Registry[reg,name:yep,nope]
+	yep,nope <- [[reg]Definitions >>]Index[name]
+Blueprint JS Function
+	Name
+	Inputs
+	Outputs
+	Convention
+	Variables
+	Statements
+	Method Registry
+	Field Registry
+	Type Registry
+	Constants
+	Input Types
+	Output Types
+	Resume Index
+	Last NumParams
+	Escape Pattern
+JS Function[name,inputs,outputs,convention,p:out]
+	out <- JS Function With Registry[name,inputs,outputs,convention, JS Method Registry[], JS Field Registry[], JS Type Registry[p],p]
+JS Function With Registry[name,inputs,outputs,convention,registry,field reg,type reg,p:out]
+	out <- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Build[JS Function()]
+		]Name <<[name]
+		]Inputs <<[inputs]
+		]Outputs <<[outputs]
+		]Convention <<[convention]
+		]Variables <<[Dictionary[]]
+		]Statements <<[()]
+		]Method Registry <<[registry]
+		]Field Registry <<[field reg]
+		]Type Registry <<[type reg]
+		]Constants <<[Dictionary[]]
+		]Input Types <<[ Fold[Append[?, "Any Type"], (), inputs] ]
+		]Output Types <<[ Fold[Append[?, "Any Type"], (), outputs] ]
+		]Resume Index <<[1]
+		]Last NumParams <<[-1]
+		]Escape Pattern <<[p]
+Set Input Type@JS Function[func,type,input num:out]
+	out <- [func]Input Types <<[ [[func]Input Types >>]Set[input num, type] ]
+Set Output Type@JS Function[func,type,output num:out]
+	out <- [func]Output Types <<[ [[func]Output Types >>]Set[output num, type] ]
+Register Constant@JS Function[func,name,constant:out]
+	out <- [func]Constants <<[ [[func]Constants >>]Set[name, constant] ]
+Allocate Var@JS Function[func,name,type:out]
+	out <- [func]Variables <<[ [[func]Variables >>]Set[name,type] ]
+Add Statement@JS Function[func,statement:out]
+	out <- [func]Statements <<[ [[func]Statements >>]Append[["\t"]Append[[statement]Append[";\n"]]] ]
+Add Raw Line@JS Function[func,line:out]
+	out <- [func]Statements <<[ [[func]Statements >>]Append[["\t"]Append[[line]Append["\n"]]] ]
+Add Operator Statement@JS Function[func,psource1,psource2,pdest,op:out]
+	source1 <- [psource1]Make Op[func]
+	source2 <- [psource2]Make Op[func]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[[[[[dest]Append[" = "]]Append[source1]]Append[op]]Append[source2]]
+Add@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," + "]
+Sub@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," - "]
+Multiply@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," * "]
+Divide@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," / "]
+DoLShift@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," << "]
+DoRShift@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," >> "]
+BitAnd@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," & "]
+BitOr@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," | "]
+CompLess@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," < "]
+CompGreater@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," > "]
+CompEqual@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," == "]
+CompLessEqual@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," <= "]
+CompGreaterEqual@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," >= "]
+CompNotEqual@JS Function[func,source1,source2,dest:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Operator Statement[source1,source2,dest," != "]
+Move@JS Function[func,psource,pdest:out]
+	source <- [psource]Make Op[func]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[[[dest]Append[" = "]]Append[source]]
+Do AddRef@JS Function[func,psource,pdest:out]
+    source <- [psource]Make Op[func] 
+    dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+    out <- [func]Add Statement[[[[dest]Append[" = add_ref((object *)"]]Append[source]]Append[")"]]
+AddRef No Dest@JS Function[func,psource:out]
+    source <- [psource]Make Op[func] 
+    out <- [func]Add Statement[[["add_ref((object *)"]Append[source]]Append[")"]]
+Release@JS Function[func,psource:out]
+	source <- [psource]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[[["release_ref((object *)"]Append[source]]Append[")"]]
+Set Null@JS Function[func,pdest:out]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[[dest]Append[" = NULL"]]
+Lookup Constant@JS Function[func,const,doaddref:out]
+	var <- ["_const_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[const,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+	If[doaddref]
+	{
+		out <- [["add_ref("]Append[var]]Append[")"]
+	}{
+		out <- Val[var]
+	}
+Field Result@JS Function[func,var,field:out]
+	as op <- [var]Make Op[func]
+	[(String(),String Cat(),String Slice())]Find[=[Blueprint Of[var],?]]
+	{
+		[[func]Inputs >>]Find[=[var,?]]
+		{
+			type <- [[func]Input Types >>]Index[~]
+		}{
+			type <- [[func]Variables >>]Index[var] { Print["op refers to a var"] }
+			{
+				[[func]Outputs >>]Find[=[var,?]]
+				{
+					type <- [[func]Output Types >>]Index[~]
+				}{
+					//Does it make sense for us to do this?
+					type <- Type Instance["Any Type"] 
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}{
+		type <- Type Instance["Any Type"] 
+	}
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{
+		If[[type] = ["Any Type"]]
+		{
+			rvar <- Val[as op]
+		}{
+			rvar <- [[[["(("]Append[ Rhope Type to JS[type,[func]Escape Pattern >>] ]]Append[")("]]Append[as op]]Append["))"]
+		}
+	}{
+		rvar <- Val[as op]
+	}
+	[[func]Type Registry >>]Simple Type?[[type]Name >>]
+	{ access <- "->" }
+	{ access <- "->payload." }
+	{ 
+		//TODO: Generate some kind of error/exception in this case
+		access <- "->" 
+	}
+	out <- [[rvar]Append[access]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[field,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+Read Field@JS Function[func,var,field:out,result op]
+	out <- func
+	result op <- Field Ref[var,field]
+Write Field@JS Function[func,var,field:out,result op]
+	out <- func
+	result op <- Field Ref[var,field]
+Set Field Null@JS Function[func,var,field:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[ [[func]Field Result[var,field]]Append[" = NULL"] ]
+Copy@JS Function[func,pdest:out]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[ [dest]Append[[[" = copy_object("]Append[dest]]Append[")"]] ]
+Box@JS Function[func,psource,pdest,type:out]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	source <- [psource]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[ 
+		[[[[[dest
+		]Append[" = naked_to_boxed("]
+		]Append[ [[func]Type Registry >>]Type ID[[type]Name >>] ]
+		]Append[", &"]
+		]Append[source]
+		]Append[")"] ]
+Unbox@JS Function[func,psource,pdest:out]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	source <- [psource]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[ 
+		[[[["boxed_to_naked("
+		]Append[source]
+		]Append[", &"]
+		]Append[dest]
+		]Append[")"] ]
+Get Raw Pointer@JS Function[func,psource,pdest:out]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	source <- [psource]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[ [[[dest]Append[" = (void*)("]]Append[source]]Append[" + 1)"] ]
+Array Raw Pointer@JS Function[func,psource,pdest:out]
+	dest <- [pdest]Make Op[func]
+	source <- [psource]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[ [[[dest]Append[" = ((char *)"]]Append[source]]Append[")+ sizeof(t_Array)"] ]
+_Function Arg JS[func,val,inputnum:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Raw Line[
+		[[[["SetParam("
+		]Append[String[inputnum]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[val]
+		]Append[")"]
+	]
+_Val Function Arg JS[func,val,inputnum,worker:out]
+	out <- [func]Add Raw Line[
+		[[[[[["VCSetParam("
+		]Append[worker]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[String[inputnum]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[val]
+		]Append[")"]
+	]
+Method Call@JS Function[func,method,args:out]
+	out <- [func]Call[method,args]
+Val Call@JS Function[func,to call,args:out]
+	worker <- Make Op[Strip Addref[to call], func]
+	rargs <- Map[args, Make Op[?, func]]
+	If[[[func]Last NumParams >>] = [-1]]
+	{
+		prepped <- [[func]Add Raw Line[ 
+			[[[["VCPrepCall("
+				]Append[worker]
+				]Append[", "]
+				]Append[String[[rargs]Length]]
+				]Append[")"] ]
+		]Last NumParams <<[[rargs]Length]
+	}{
+		prepped <- [[func]Add Raw Line[ 
+			[[[[[["VCRePrepCall("
+				]Append[worker]
+				]Append[", "]
+				]Append[String[[rargs]Length]]
+				]Append[", "]
+				]Append[String[[func]Last NumParams >>]]
+				]Append[")"] ]
+		]Last NumParams <<[[rargs]Length]
+	}
+	out <- [[[[Fold[_Val Function Arg JS[?, ?, ?, worker], prepped, rargs]
+	]Add Raw Line[
+		[[[[[[[["ValCall("
+		]Append[worker]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[String[[rargs]Length]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[String[[func]Resume Index >>]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+		]Append[")"]]
+	]Add Raw Line["DISPATCH"]
+	]Add Raw Line[
+		[[[["ValCallPostlude("
+		]Append[String[[func]Resume Index >>]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+		]Append[")"]]
+	]Resume Index <<[ [[func]Resume Index >>]+[1] ]
+Call@JS Function[func,name,args:out]
+	If[[name]=["Call@Worker"]]
+	{
+		//TODO: Handle case when user explicitly calls the fully qualified version, but the type of the first arg isn't Worker
+		out <- [func]Val Call[[args]Index[0], Tail[args,1]]
+	}{
+		If[[name]=["Call"]]
+		{
+			to call <- [args]Index[0]
+			last numparams <- [func]Last NumParams >>
+			out <- [[[[[[func]Add Raw Line[[["if (get_blueprint("]Append[Make Op[Strip Addref[to call], func]]]Append[")->type_id == TYPE_WORKER) {"]]
+			]Val Call[to call, Tail[args,1]]
+			]Add Raw Line["} else {"]
+			]Last NumParams <<[last numparams]
+			]Func Base["Call",args, "Call"]
+			]Add Raw Line["}"]
+		}{
+			out <- [func]Func Base[Escape Rhope Name[name,[func]Escape Pattern >>],args, "Call"]
+		}
+	}
+Func Base@JS Function[func,tocall,args,type:out]
+	Print[ [[func]Name >>]Append[ [": Func Base("]Append[tocall] ] ]
+	rargs <- Map[args, Make Op[?, func]]
+	If[[[rargs]Length] > [[func]Last NumParams >>]]
+	{	
+		If[[[func]Last NumParams >>] = [-1]]
+		{
+			freed <- Val[func]
+		}{
+			freed <- [func]Add Raw Line["FreeCall"]
+		}
+		prepped <- [[freed]Add Raw Line[ [["PrepCall("]Append[String[[rargs]Length]]]Append[")"] ]
+		]Last NumParams <<[[rargs]Length]
+	}{
+		prepped <- Val[func]
+	}
+	out <- [[Fold[_Function Arg JS[?], prepped, rargs]
+	]Add Raw Line[
+		[[[[[[[[[type]Append["("]
+		]Append[tocall]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[String[[rargs]Length]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[String[[func]Resume Index >>]]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+		]Append[")"]]
+	]Resume Index <<[ [[func]Resume Index >>]+[1] ]
+Call Foreign@JS Function[func,name,language,args,store result:out]
+	rargs <- Map[args, Make Op[?, func]]
+	//Assume language = "JS" for now
+	base <- [[[name]Append["("]]Append[ Join[rargs, ", "] ]]Append[")"]
+	,do store <- [(String(), String Slice(), String Cat())]Find[=[Blueprint Of[store result], ?]]
+	{ 
+		,do store <- If[[store result]=[""]]
+		{ stmt <- Val[base] }
+	}
+	Val[do store]
+	{ stmt <- [[Make Op[store result, func]]Append[" = "]]Append[base] }
+	out <- [func]Add Statement[stmt]
+Get Field Call@JS Function[func,field,source:out]
+	out <- [func]Func Base[Escape Rhope Name[[field]Append[" >>"],[func]Escape Pattern >>], [()]Append[source], "Call"]
+Set Field Call@JS Function[func,field,object,value:out]
+	out <- [func]Func Base[Escape Rhope Name[[field]Append[" <<"],[func]Escape Pattern >>], [[()]Append[object]]Append[value], "Call"]
+Tail Method Call@JS Function[func,method,args:out]
+	out <- [func]Func Base[[[func]Method Registry >>]Method ID[method],args, "TMCall"]
+Tail Call@JS Function[func,name,args:out]
+	out <- [func]Func Base[Escape Rhope Name[name,[func]Escape Pattern >>],args, "TCall"]
+Resolve@JS Function[func,op:out]
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{
+		[[func]Inputs >>]Find[=[op,?]]
+		{
+			out <- [["my_cdata->params["]Append[String[~]]]Append["	]"]
+		}{
+			out <- [[["lv_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append["->"]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[op,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+		}
+	}{
+		out <- Escape Rhope Name[op,[func]Escape Pattern >>]
+	}
+Resolve Output@JS Function[func,name:out]
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{
+		out <- [[["lv_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append["->"]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+	}{
+		out <- Escape Rhope Name[name,[func]Escape Pattern >>]
+	} 
+Instruction Stream@JS Function[func:out]
+	out <- [func]Statements <<[()]
+_If JS[func, statement:out]
+	out <- [func]Statements <<[ [[func]Statements >>]Append[ ["\t"]Append[statement] ] ]
+Do If@JS Function[func,condition,stream:out]
+	cond <- [condition]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [[Fold[_If JS[?], [[func
+		]Add Raw Line[ [["if("]Append[cond]]Append[")"] ]
+		]Add Raw Line["{"], [stream]Statements >>]
+		]Add Raw Line["}"]
+		]Resume Index <<[[stream]Resume Index >>]
+Discard Outputs@JS Function[func,first to discard:out]
+	out <- [[[[[func
+		]Add Raw Line[[["for(idx = "]Append[String[first to discard]]]Append["; idx < cdata->num_params; ++idx)"]]
+		]Add Raw Line["{"]
+		]Add Raw Line["	if (cdata->params[idx])"]
+		]Add Raw Line["		release_ref(cdata->params[idx]);"]
+		]Add Raw Line["}"]
+Result Reference@JS Function[func,output:out]
+	out <- [["cdata->params["]Append[String[output]]]Append["]"]
+Checked Result Reference@JS Function[func,output:out]
+	out <- [[[["("]Append[String[output]]]Append[" < cdata->num_params ? cdata->params["]]Append[String[output]]]Append["] : NULL)"]
+If Null Else@JS Function[func,left,right:out]
+	check <- [[Make Condition[left]]Strip Addref]Make Op[func]
+	l <- [left]Make Op[func]
+	r <- [right]Make Op[func]
+	out <- [[[[[["("
+		]Append[check]
+		]Append[" ? "]
+		]Append[l]
+		]Append[" : "]
+		]Append[r]
+		]Append[")"]
+_Set Outputs JS[string,inputname,inputnum,func:out]
+	out <- [string]Append[[[ [ ["\tRet("]Append[String[inputnum]] ]Append[ [[", lv_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append["->"]]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[inputname,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[")\n"]]
+Set Outputs@JS Function[func:out]
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{
+		out <- [[[Fold[_Set Outputs JS[?, ?, ?, func], "", [func]Outputs >>]]Append["\tNumRet("]]Append[String[[[func]Outputs >>]Length]]]Append[")\n"]
+	}{
+		[[func]Outputs >>]Index[0]
+		{
+			out <- [["\treturn "]Append[Escape Rhope Name[~,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[";\n"]
+		}{
+			out <- ""
+		}
+	}
+_Output Defs JS[string,varname,index,func:out]
+	out <- [[[string]Append[ ["\t"]Append[Rhope Type to JS[[[func]Output Types >>]Index[index],[func]Escape Pattern >>]] ]]Append[[" "]Append[Escape Rhope Name[varname,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]]Append[";\n"]
+_Var Defs JS[string,type,varname,p:out]
+	out <- [[[string]Append[ ["\t"]Append[Rhope Type to JS[type,p]] ]]Append[[" "]Append[Escape Rhope Name[varname,p]]]]Append[";\n"]
+Definitions@JS Function[func:out]
+	Print[["Definitions@JS Function: "]Append[[func]Name >>]]
+	{
+	If[ [[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]] And [[ [[[func]Variables >>]Length]+[[[func]Outputs >>]Length] ] > [0]] ]
+	{
+		localtype <- [[[Fold[_Output Defs JS[?, ?, ?, func], Fold[_Var Defs JS[?,?,?,[func]Escape Pattern >>],"typedef struct {\n", [func]Variables >>], [func]Outputs >>]]Append["} lt_"]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[";\n"]
+	}{
+		localtype <- ""
+	}
+	If[ [[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"] ]
+	{
+		/* parts <- [[func]Name >>]Split["@"]
+		[parts]Index[1]
+		{
+			proto <- [[[["MethodDef("
+				]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[parts]Index[0],[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+				]Append[", "]
+				]Append[Escape Rhope Name[~,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+				]Append[")\n"]
+		}{
+			proto <- [["FuncDef("]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[")\n"]
+		} */
+		out <- Val[localtype]
+	}{
+		out <- [[func]Naked Proto]Append[";\n"]
+	}
+	}
+_Proto Input[list,input,index,types,p:out]
+	out <- [list]Append[ [[Rhope Type to JS[[types]Index[index],p]]Append[" "]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[input,p]] ]
+Naked Proto@JS Function[func:out]
+	[[func]Output Types >>]Index[0]
+	{
+		outtype <- [Rhope Type to JS[~,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]Append[" "]
+	}{
+		outtype <- "void "
+	}
+	out <- [[[[outtype
+			]Append[ Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+			]Append["("]
+			]Append[ [Fold[_Proto Input[?, ?, ?, [func]Input Types >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>], (), [func]Inputs >>]]Join[", "] ]
+			]Append[")"]
+Type Check@JS Function[func,text,type,input num:out]
+	If[[type] = ["Any Type"]]
+	{
+		out <- text
+	}{
+		out <- [text]Append[ [["\tParam("]Append[input num]]Append[ [[", "]Append[ [[func]Type Registry >>]Type ID[type] ]]Append[")"] ] ]
+	}
+Check Param Type JS[text,type,input num,func:out]
+	[(String(),String Cat(),String Slice())]Find[=[Blueprint Of[type],?]]
+	{
+		typename <- type
+	}{
+		typename <- [type]Name >>
+	}
+	If[[typename] = ["Any Type"]]
+	{
+		out <- text
+	}{
+		out <- [text]Append[[[["\tParam("]Append[String[input num]]]Append[ [","]Append[ [[func]Type Registry >>]Type ID[typename] ] ]]Append[")\n"]]
+	}
+Text@JS Function[func:out]
+	Print[["Text@JS Function: "]Append[[func]Name >>]]
+	If[ [[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"] ]
+	{
+		before <- [[func]Name >>]Partition["@"] {} {}
+		{
+			type <- "MethodImpl"
+			cname <- [[[[Escape Rhope Name[before,[func]Escape Pattern >>]
+				]Append[", "]
+				]Append[Escape Rhope Name[~,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]
+				]Append[", "]
+				]Append[ [[func]Type Registry >>]Type ID[~] ]
+		}{
+			type <- "Func"
+			cname <- Val[fname]
+		}
+		fname <- Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]
+		param check <- Fold[Check Param Type JS[?, ?, ?, func], "", [func]Input Types >>]
+		If[ [ [[[func]Variables >>]Length]+[[[func]Outputs >>]Length] ] = [0] ]
+		{
+			out <- [[[[[[[[ [type]Append["NoLocals("]
+				]Append[cname]
+				]Append[",\n\tNumParams "]
+				]Append[ String[[[func]Inputs >>]Length] ]
+				]Append[")\n\n"]
+				]Append[param check]
+				]Append[ [[func]Statements >>]Join[""] ]
+				]Append["EndFuncNoLocals\n"]
+				]Append["DISPATCH"]
+		}{
+			If[[[func]Last NumParams >>] = [-1]]
+			{
+				freecall <- ""
+			}{
+				freecall <- "\n\tFreeCall\n"
+			}
+			out <- [[[[[[[[[[ [type]Append["("]
+				]Append[cname]
+				]Append[",\n\tNumParams "]
+				]Append[ String[[[func]Inputs >>]Length] ]
+				]Append[")\n\n"]
+				]Append[param check]
+				]Append[ [[func]Statements >>]Join[""] ]
+				]Append[freecall]
+				]Append[[func]Set Outputs]
+				]Append[[["EndFunc("]Append[fname]]Append[")\n"]]
+				]Append["DISPATCH"]
+		}
+	}{
+		out <- [[[
+				Fold[_Output Defs JS[?, ?, ?, func],
+					Fold[_Var Defs JS[?], [[func]Naked Proto]Append["\n{"], [func]Variables >>], [func]Outputs >>]
+			]Append[[[func]Statements >>]Join[""]]
+			]Append[[func]Set Outputs]
+			]Append["}"]
+	}
+Blueprint JS Program
+	Functions
+	Method Registry
+	Field Registry
+	Type Registry
+	Libraries
+	Escape Pattern
+JS Program[:out]
+	p <- Pattern[("_",  "@",  " ",  ":",  "?",  "+",  "-",  "*",  "/",  "<",  ">",  "(",  ")",  "!",  "=",  "'",  
+			"\"", "\t", ",",  ".",  "\n", "{",  "}",   "[",   "]",   "#",   "\\",  "\r",  ";",   "&",   "|",   "%",   "^",   "`",   "~")]
+	out <- [[[[[[Build[JS Program()]]Functions <<[Dictionary[]]]Method Registry <<[JS Method Registry[]]]Type Registry <<[JS Type Registry[p]]]Field Registry <<[JS Field Registry[]]]Libraries <<[Dictionary[]]]Escape Pattern <<[p]
+Link@JS Program[program,language,library:out]
+	If[[library] = ["runtime"]]
+	{
+		out <- program
+	}{
+		langlibs <- [[program]Libraries >>]Index[language] {}
+		{ langlibs <- Dictionary[] }
+		out <- [program]Libraries <<[ [[program]Libraries >>]Set[language, [langlibs]Set[library, Yes]] ]
+	}
+Register Type@JS Program[program,def:out]
+	out <- [[[program]Type Registry <<[ [[program]Type Registry >>]Register Type[def] ]
+		]Method Registry <<[ [def]Register Methods[[program]Method Registry >>] ]
+		]Field Registry <<[ [def]Register Fields[[program]Field Registry >>] ]
+Create Type@JS Program[program,name:out]
+	out <- JS Type[name]
+Create Function@JS Program[program,name,inputs,outputs,convention:out]
+	out <- JS Function With Registry[name,inputs,outputs,convention, [program]Method Registry >>, [program]Field Registry >>, [program]Type Registry >>, [program]Escape Pattern >>]
+Store Function@JS Program[program,func:out]
+	out <- [program]Functions <<[ [[program]Functions >>]Set[ [func]Name >>, func] ]
+Method?@JS Program[program,funcname:is,isnot]
+	is,isnot <- [[program]Method Registry >>]Method ID[funcname]
+_Defs JS Program[text,func:out]
+	def <- [func]Definitions
+	If[[def]=[""]]
+	{
+		out <- text
+	}{
+		out <- [text]Append[[def]Append["\n\n"]]
+	}
+_Text JS Program[text,func,type reg:out]
+	out <- [text]Append[[[ [func]Type Registry <<[type reg] ]Text]Append["\n\n"]]
+Combine Consts[consts,func:out]
+	out <- Combine[[func]Constants >>, consts]
+_Consts JS Program[text,value,name,p:out]
+	out <- [text]Append[ [["object * _const_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,p]]]Append[";\n"] ]
+_Consts JS Release[text,value,name,p:out]
+	out <- [text]Append[ [["\trelease_ref(_const_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,p]]]Append[");\n"] ]
+_List Literal El[text,val,index,type reg:out]
+	out <- [[[[text
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[index]
+		]Append[", "]
+		]Append[Const Construct JS[val, type reg]]
+Const Construct JS[value,type reg:out]
+	valtype <- Blueprint Of[value]
+	[(Int8(),UInt8(),Int16(),UInt16(),Int32(),UInt32(),Int64(),UInt64())]Find[=[valtype,?]]
+	{
+		size <- [("8","16","32","64")]Index[[~]/[2]]
+		If[[~]Mod[2]]
+		{ s <- "UI" }
+		{ s <- "I" }
+		out <- [[[[[["make_"
+			]Append[s]
+			]Append["nt"]
+			]Append[size]
+			]Append["("]
+			]Append[String[value]]
+			]Append[")"]
+	}{
+		If[[valtype] = [Type Instance()]]
+		{
+			//TODO: Support parametric types
+			typeid <- [type reg]Type ID[[value]Name >>]
+			out <- [["make_Blueprint("]Append[typeid]]Append[")"]
+		}{
+			If[[valtype] = [Boolean()]]
+			{
+				If[value]
+				{
+					out <- "make_Bool(1)"
+				}{
+					out <- "make_Bool(0)"
+				}
+			}{
+				[(String(),String Slice(),String Cat())]Find[=[valtype,?]]
+				{
+					out <- [["make_String(\""]Append[ [[[[value]Replace["\\", "\\\\"]]Replace["\n", "\\n"]]Replace["\"", "\\\""]]Replace["\r", "\\r"] ]]Append["\")"]
+				}{
+					If[[valtype]=[Worker Literal()]]
+					{
+						//TODO: Figure out how to fully support these in nested cases
+						//or workaround the problem higher up in the food chain
+						[[value]Args >>]Last
+						{ size <- String[[~]+[1]] }
+						{ size <- "0" }
+						out <- [[[[[["make_Worker(FUNC_"
+								]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[value]Name >>,[type reg]Escape Pattern >>]]
+								]Append[", "]
+								]Append[size]
+								]Append[", "]
+								]Append[String[Fold[+[1,?], 0, [value]Args >>]]]
+								]Append[")"]
+					}{
+						[(List(), List Leaf())]Find[=[?,valtype]]
+						{
+							out <- [Fold[_List Literal El[?, ?, ?, type reg], ["make_List("]Append[String[[value]Length]], value]]Append[")"]
+						}{
+							out <- "UnhandledLiteralType"
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+_Set Worker Params JS[text,param,num,type reg,name:out]
+	out <- [text]Append[
+		[[[[[["\t((object **)(((t_Worker *)_const_"
+			]Append[name]
+			]Append[")+1))["]
+			]Append[String[num]]
+			]Append["] = "]
+			]Append[Const Construct JS[param, type reg]]
+			]Append[";\n"] ]
+_Set Consts JS Program[text,value,name,type reg:out]
+	valtype <- Blueprint Of[value]
+	[(String(),String Cat(),String Slice(),Worker Literal(),List(),List Leaf())]Find[=[valtype,?]]
+	{
+		Print[[name]Append[" is not of an early constant type"]]
+		out <- text
+	}{
+		Const Construct JS[value,type reg]
+		{ out <- [text]Append[ [[[["\t_const_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,[type reg]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[" = "]]Append[~]]Append[";\n"] ] }
+	}
+_Set List Els[text,el,index,type reg:out]
+	out <- [[text]Append[
+		[["\tinout[1] = "
+		]Append[Const Construct JS[index,type reg]]
+		]Append[
+			[[";\n\tinout[2] = "
+			]Append[Const Construct JS[el, type reg]]
+			]Append[";\n"]
+		]]]Append["\trhope(FUNC_Set, inout, 3, 3);\n"]
+_Set Late Consts JS[text,value,name,type reg:out]
+	valtype <- Blueprint Of[value]
+	[(String(),String Cat(),String Slice(),Worker Literal(),List(),List Leaf())]Find[=[valtype,?]]
+	{
+		If[[~]>[3]]
+		{
+			out <- [Fold[_Set List Els[?, ?, ?, type reg], [text]Append["\trhope(FUNC_List, inout, 0, 1);\n"], value]
+				]Append[[["\t_const_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,[type reg]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[" = inout[0];\n"]]
+		}{
+			Const Construct JS[value,type reg]
+			{ init <- [text]Append[ [[[["\t_const_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,[type reg]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[" = "]]Append[~]]Append[";\n"] ] }
+			If[[valtype]=[Worker Literal()]]
+			{
+				out <- Fold[_Set Worker Params JS[?, ?, ?, type reg, Escape Rhope Name[name,[type reg]Escape Pattern >>]], init, [value]Args >>]
+			}{
+				out <- Val[init]
+			}
+		}
+	}{
+		out <- text
+	}
+_Dispatch Switch Sub[text, num, name:out]
+	out <- [[[[[text
+		]Append["\tResumeEntry("]
+		]Append[String[num]]
+		]Append[","]
+		]Append[name]
+		]Append[")\\\n"]
+_Dispatch Switch[text,func,raw name:out]
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{
+		name <- Escape Rhope Name[raw name,[func]Escape Pattern >>]
+		out <- [[text]Append[ [["\tDispatchEntry("]Append[name]]Append[")\\\n"] ]
+			]Append[Fold[_Dispatch Switch Sub[?, ?, name], "", Range[1, [func]Resume Index >>]]]
+	}{
+		out <- text
+	}
+_Dispatch Switch Methods[p,text,id,raw name:out]
+	name <- Escape Rhope Name[raw name,p]
+	out <- [text]Append[ [["\tDispatchEntry("]Append[name]]Append[")\\\n"] ]
+_Dispatch Enum Sub[text, num, name:out]
+	out <- [[[[[text
+		]Append["\tRES_"]
+		]Append[String[num]]
+		]Append["_"]
+		]Append[name]
+		]Append[",\n"]
+_Dispatch Enum[text,func,raw name:out]
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{
+		name <- Escape Rhope Name[raw name,[func]Escape Pattern >>]
+		out <- [[text]Append[ [["\tFUNC_"]Append[name]]Append[",\n"] ]
+			]Append[Fold[_Dispatch Enum Sub[?, ?, name], "", Range[1, [func]Resume Index >>]]]
+	}{
+		out <- text
+	}
+_Dispatch Enum Methods[p,text,types,name:out]
+	out <- [text]Append[ [["\tFUNC_"]Append[Escape Rhope Name[name,p]]]Append[",\n"] ]
+Dispatch@JS Program[program,all methods:out]
+	out <- [[[[["typedef enum {\n"
+		]Append[Fold[_Dispatch Enum[?], 
+			[Fold[_Dispatch Enum Methods[[program]Escape Pattern >>,?], "", all methods]]Append["\tFUNC_Build,\n\tFUNC_BlueprintSP_Of,\n\tFUNC_ID,\n\tFUNC_BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID,\n"], 
+			[program]Functions >>]]
+		]Append["\tEND\n} funcids;\n\n"]
+		]Append["#define DispatchEntries \\\n"] 
+		]Append[Fold[_Dispatch Switch[?], 
+			[Fold[_Dispatch Switch Methods[[program]Escape Pattern >>,?], "", all methods]]Append["\tDispatchEntry(Build)\\\n\tDispatchEntry(BlueprintSP_Of)\\\n\tDispatchEntry(ID)\\\n\tDispatchEntry(BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID)\\\n"], 
+			[program]Functions >>]]
+		]Append["\tEndEntry\n\n"]
+Not Native[func:out]
+	If[[[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]]
+	{ out <- No }
+	{ out <- Yes }
+	out <- [[func]Convention >>] = ["rhope"]
+Local Pointers[text,func:out]
+	If[ [ [[[func]Variables >>]Length]+[[[func]Outputs >>]Length] ] = [0] ]
+	{
+		out <- text
+	}{
+		out <- [text]Append[[["\tFuncDef("]Append[Escape Rhope Name[[func]Name >>,[func]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[")\n"]]
+	}
+_Method to Types[dict,name,type:out]
+	typelist <- [dict]Index[name] {}
+	{ typelist <- () }
+	out <- [dict]Set[name, [typelist]Append[[type]Name >>]]
+_Field to Types[dict,field,type:out]
+	name <- [field]Index[0]
+	out <- _Method to Types[_Method to Types[dict, [name]Append[" >>"], type], [name]Append[" <<"], type]
+Method to Types[dict,type:out]
+	out <- Fold[_Method to Types[?, ?, type], dict, [type]Methods >>]
+Field to Types[dict,type:out]
+	out <- Fold[_Field to Types[?, ?, type], dict, [type]Fields >>]
+_Method Dispatch[text, type, method, reg: out]
+	out <- [[[[[[[text]Append["\tMethodDispatch("]]Append[ [reg]Type ID[type] ]]Append[","]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[method,[reg]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[","]]Append[Escape Rhope Name[type,[reg]Escape Pattern >>]]]Append[")\n"]
+Method Dispatch[text, types, method, reg: out]
+	out <- [[[Fold[_Method Dispatch[?, ?, method, reg], [[[text]Append["Method("]]Append[ Escape Rhope Name[method,[reg]Escape Pattern >>] ]]Append[")\n"], types]
+		]Append["EndMethod("]
+		]Append[Escape Rhope Name[method,[reg]Escape Pattern >>]]
+		]Append[")\n\n"]
+Init Type Names[text,typeid,name,reg:out]
+	[reg]Defined?[name]
+	{ out <- [text]Append[ [[[["\tregistered_types["]Append[typeid]]Append["]->name = "]]Append[Const Construct JS[name, reg]]]Append[";\n"] ] }
+	{ out <- text }
+Text@JS Program[program:out]
+	p <- [program]Escape Pattern >>
+	type defs <- [[program]Type Registry >>]Definitions >>
+	constants <- Fold[Combine Consts[?], Dictionary[], [program]Functions >>]
+	all methods <- Fold[Field to Types[?], Fold[Method to Types[?], Dictionary[], type defs], type defs]
+	headers <- "#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include \"builtin.h\"
+#include \"object.h\"
+#include \"context.h\"
+#include \"func.h\"
+#include \"integer.h\"
+#include \"blueprint.h\"
+#include \"array.h\"
+#include \"worker.h\"
+#include \"bool.h\"
+#include <sys/time.h>\n\n"
+	out <- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[headers
+		]Append[[program]Dispatch[all methods]]
+		]Append[[[program]Type Registry >>]Type Defs]
+		]Append[Fold[_Consts JS Program[?,?,?,p], 
+					Fold[_Defs JS Program[?], "", [program]Functions >>], 
+					constants]]
+		]Append[Fold[_Text JS Program[?, ?, [program]Type Registry >>], "", Filter[[program]Functions >>, Not Native[?]]]]
+		]Append["\n
+uint64_t profile_counts[END];
+uint64_t profile_nestedcounts[END];
+uint64_t profile_totals[END];
+uint64_t profile_selftotals[END];
+uint64_t profile_activationlevel[END];
+int32_t rhope(uint32_t func, object ** params, uint16_t numparams, uint16_t callspace)
+	struct timeval time;
+	uint16_t resume,idx, vcparam_offset, last_vcparam;
+	context * ct;
+	calldata * cdata, *temp_cdata, *my_cdata;
+	DispatchVar
+	FuncDef(Build)
+	FuncDef(BlueprintSP_Of)
+	FuncDef(ID)
+	FuncDef(BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID)\n"]
+		]Append[Fold[Local Pointers[?], "", [program]Functions >>]]
+		]Append["
+	ct = new_context();
+	cdata = alloc_cdata(ct, NULL, callspace);
+	cdata->num_params = numparams;
+	for(idx = 0; idx < numparams; ++idx)
+		cdata->params[idx] = params[idx];
+	cdata->func = END;
+		]Append[Fold[Method Dispatch[?, ?, ?, [program]Type Registry >>], "", all methods]]
+		]Append["
+	NumParams 1)
+	lv_Build->bp = ((t_Blueprint *)(cdata->params[0]))->bp;
+	release_ref(cdata->params[0]);
+	Ret(0, new_object_bp(lv_Build->bp))
+	NumParams 1)
+	lv_BlueprintSP_Of->bp = get_blueprint(cdata->params[0]);
+	release_ref(cdata->params[0]);
+	Ret(0, new_object(TYPE_BLUEPRINT))
+	((t_Blueprint *)cdata->params[0])->bp = lv_BlueprintSP_Of->bp;
+Func(ID, NumParams 1)
+	lv_ID->id = new_object(TYPE_UINT32);
+	((t_UInt32 *)lv_ID->id)->Num = ((t_Blueprint *)cdata->params[0])->bp->type_id;
+	release_ref(cdata->params[0]);
+	Ret(0, lv_ID->id)
+Func(BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID, NumParams 1)
+	Param(0, TYPE_UINT32)
+	lv_BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID->type = ((t_UInt32 *)cdata->params[0])->Num;
+	if (lv_BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID->type >= max_registered_type || !registered_types[lv_BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID->type]) {
+		Ret(1, cdata->params[0])
+		Ret(0, NULL)
+	} else {
+		release_ref(cdata->params[0]);	
+		Ret(0, new_object(TYPE_BLUEPRINT))
+		((t_Blueprint *)cdata->params[0])->bp = registered_types[lv_BlueprintSP_FromSP_ID->type];
+		Ret(1, NULL)
+	}
+		]Append[Fold[_Text JS Program[?, ?, [program]Type Registry >>], "", Filter[[program]Functions >>, Native[?]]]]
+		]Append["
+	for(idx = 0; idx < cdata->num_params; ++idx)	
+		params[idx] = cdata->params[idx];
+	free_context(ct);
+	return cdata->num_params;
+	puts(\"Exception! Trace follows:\");
+	while(cdata && cdata->func != END)
+	{
+		printf(\"%d\\n\", cdata->func);
+		cdata = cdata->lastframe;
+	}
+	return -1;
+#include \"builtin.c\"
+#include \"array.c\"
+#include \"worker.c\"
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	blueprint * bp;
+	int numret;
+	int idx;
+	object * inout[3];
+	register_builtin_types();\n\n"]
+		]Append[ [[program]Type Registry >>]Type Inits[[program]Method Registry >>, [program]Field Registry >>] ]
+		]Append[Fold[_Set Consts JS Program[?, ?, ?, [program]Type Registry >>], "", constants]]
+		]Append[Fold[_Set Late Consts JS[?, ?, ?, [program]Type Registry >>], "", constants]]
+		]Append[Fold[Init Type Names[?, ?, ?, [program]Type Registry >>], "", [[program]Type Registry >>]Lookup >>]]
+		]Append["
+	rhope(FUNC_List, inout, 0, 1);
+	for (idx = 0; idx < argc; ++idx)
+	{
+		inout[1] = make_String(argv[idx]);
+		rhope(FUNC_Append, inout, 2, 2);
+	}
+	numret = rhope(FUNC_Main, inout, 1, 1);"]
+		]Append[Fold[_Consts JS Release[?, ?, ?, p], "", constants]]
+		]Append[
+	"
+	print_mem_info(manager);
+	print_live_object_types(manager);
+	for (idx = 0; idx < END; ++idx)
+	{
+		if(profile_counts[idx])
+			printf(\"Func: %d\tCount: %llu\tTime: %llu\tAvg: %f\tSelf: %llu\tAvg: %f\tNested Count: %llu\\n\", idx, profile_counts[idx], profile_totals[idx], ((double)profile_totals[idx])/((double)profile_counts[idx]), profile_selftotals[idx], ((double)profile_selftotals[idx])/((double)profile_counts[idx]), profile_nestedcounts[idx]);
+	}
+	if (!numret)
+		return 0;
+	if (numret < 0)
+		return numret;
+	if (get_blueprint(inout[0])->type_id == TYPE_INT32)
+		return ((t_Int32 *)inout[0])->Num;
+	rhope(FUNC_If, inout, 1, 2);
+	if (inout[0])
+		return 0;
+	return 1;