view date.rhope @ 75:0083b2f7b3c7

Partially working implementation of List. Modified build scripts to allow use of other compilers. Fixed some bugs involving method implementations on different types returning different numbers of outputs. Added Fold to the 'builtins' in the comipler.
author Mike Pavone <>
date Tue, 06 Jul 2010 07:52:59 -0400
parents 429b5f441381
line wrap: on
line source

//Note that the following code does not currently take into account leap seconds

Days From Secs[secs:days,secs left]
    secs per day <- [[60]*[60]]*[24]       
    days <- [secs]/[secs per day]
    secs left <- [secs]%[secs per day]

//This doesn't take into account the mod 100 rule
Year From Unix Days[days:year,day in year]
   block days <- [[365]*[4]]+[1]
   base year <- [1970]+[[[days]/[block days]]*[4]]
   after base <- [days]%[block days]
   If[[after base] > [365]]
      year <- [[base year]+[1]]+[ [[after base]-[366]]/[365] ]
      day in year <- [[after base]-[366]]%[365]
      year <- Val[base year]
      day in year <- Val[after base]

Is Leap Year[year:is,is not]
	is <-If[[[year]%[400]]=[0]] {}
		,is not <- If[[[year]%[100]]=[0]]
			is,is not <- If[[[year]%[4]]=[0]]

_Month From Day[day,days,current:month,day in month]
	curdays <- [days]Index[current]
		month <- current
		day in month <- day
		month,day in month <- _Month From Day[[day]-[curdays], days, [current]+[1]]

Month From Day[day,year:month,day in month]
	base <- (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
	Is Leap Year[year]
		days <- [base]Set[1, 29]
		days <- Val[base]
	month,day in month <- _Month From Day[day, days, 0]

Blueprint Date Time
	Long:Fifty Micros

Date Time From Unix[unix:date]
	,sec in day <- Days From Secs[unix]
	{ year <- Year From Unix Days[~] {}
	{ month, day <- Month From Day[~, year] }}
	date <- [[[[Build["Date Time"]]Fifty Micros <<[[sec in day]*[20000]]]Year <<[year]]Month <<[[month]+[1]]]Day <<[[day]+[1]]

	date <- Date Time From Unix[Unix Time[]]

Seconds@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [[[date]Fifty Micros >>]/[20000]]%[60]

Milliseconds@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [[[date]Fifty Micros >>]/[20]]%[60000]

Microseconds@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [[[date]Fifty Micros >>]%[20]]*[50]

Hours@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [[date]Fifty Micros >>]/[[[20000]*[60]]*[60]]

Minutes@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [[[date]Fifty Micros >>]/[[20000]*[60]]]%[60]

Day in Year@Date Time[date:out]
	base day <- [(0,0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334)]Index[[date]Month >>]
	,noleap <- If[[[date]Month >>] > [2]]
		,noleap <- Is Leap Year[[date]Year >>]
			out <- [base day] + [[date]Day >>]
		out <- [[base day] + [[date]Day >>]]-[1]

//Gregorian only for the moment
//Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6
//Uses Zeller's algorithm
Day of Week@Date Time[date:out]
	If[[[date]Month >>] < [3]]
		zmonth <- [[date]Month >>]+[12]
		zyear <- [[date]Year >>]-[1]
		zmonth <- [date]Month >>
		zyear <- [date]Year >>
	{ century <- <String@Whole Number[~] }
	{ y <- <String@Whole Number[~] }
	a <- [[26]* [[zmonth]+[1]]]/[10]
	b <- [[5]*[y]]/[4]
	c <- [century]/[4]
	d <- [2]*[century]

	out <- [[-[+[+[+[[date]Day >>, a], b], c], d]] + [6]] % [7]

Format@Date Time[date,format:out]
		out <- ""
		months <- ("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
		days <- ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday")
		cur,rest format <- [format]Slice[1]
		If[[cur] = ["Y"]]
			piece <- [date]Year >>
		}{ If[[cur] = ["M"]]
			piece <- [date]Month >>
		}{ If[[cur] = ["N"]]
			tpiece <- [months]Index[[date]Month >>]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["B"]]
			tpiece <- [[months]Index[[date]Month >>]]Slice[3]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["D"]]
			ppiece <- [date]Day >>
		}{ If[[cur] = ["d"]]
			piece <- [date]Day >>
		}{ If[[cur] = ["n"]]
			tpiece <- [days]Index[[date]Day of Week]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["b"]]
			tpiece <- [[days]Index[[date]Day of Week]]Slice[3]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["w"]]
			piece <- Day of Week[date]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["h"]]
			hour <- [date]Hours
			If[[hour] > [12]]
				ppiece <- [hour]-[12]
				If[[hour] = [0]]
				{ ppiece <- 12 }
				{ ppiece <- Val[hour] }
		}{ If[[cur] = ["H"]]
			ppiece <- Hours[date]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["m"]]
			ppiece <- Minutes[date]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["s"]]
			ppiece <- Seconds[date]
		}{ If[[cur] = ["a"]]
			If[[[date]Hours] < [12]]
			{ tpiece <- "AM" }
			{ tpiece <- "PM" }
		}{ If[[cur] = ["t"]]
			ppiece <- Milliseconds[date]
			tpiece <- Val[cur]

		sppiece <- <Whole Number@String[ppiece]

		If[[[sppiece]Length] < [2]]
			tpiece <- ["0"]Append[sppiece]
			tpiece <- Val[sppiece]
		tpiece <- <Whole Number@String[piece]
		out <- [tpiece]Append[[date]Format[rest format]]

RFC 2822@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [date]Format["d B Y H:m:s -0000"]

//Preferred format for HTTP as specified by RFC 2616
RFC 2616@Date Time[date:out]
	out <- [[date]Format["b, D B Y H:m:s"]]Append[" GMT"]