view extendlib.vistxt @ 75:0083b2f7b3c7

Partially working implementation of List. Modified build scripts to allow use of other compilers. Fixed some bugs involving method implementations on different types returning different numbers of outputs. Added Fold to the 'builtins' in the comipler.
author Mike Pavone <>
date Tue, 06 Jul 2010 07:52:59 -0400
parents 6202b866d72c
line wrap: on
line source

	(0) <- (0)

Map Helper(3,1)
	newval <- [
			[List[]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]
		out(0) <- [Map Helper[list(0), ~, worker(2)]]Set[index(1), newval]
		out(0) <- [list(0)]Set[index(1), newval]

		out(0) <- Map Helper[list(0), ~, worker(1)]
		out(0) <- list(0)

New Like@List(1,1)
	out(0) <- List[]	

New Like@Dictionary(1,1)
	out(0) <- Dictionary[]

Key Value Map Helper(4,1)
		[[List[]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]]Append[index(1)]
		newval <- [~]Index[0]
		newkey <- [~]Index[1]
	next <- [newlist(2)]Set[newkey, newval]
		out(0) <- Key Value Map Helper[list(0), ~, next, worker(3)]
		out(0) <- Val[next]

Key Value Map(2,1)
		out(0) <- Key Value Map Helper[list(0), ~, New Like[list(0)], worker(1)]
		out(0) <- New Like[list(0)]

Dict Split Helper(4,1)
	If[ [i(2)] < [[list(0)]Length@List] ]
		keyval <- Split@String[ [list(0)]Index@List[i(2)], keydelim(1) ]
		key <- [keyval]Index@List[0]
		val <- [keyval]Index@List[1]
		HelpOut(0) <- Dict Split Helper[ list(0), keydelim(1), [i(2)] + [1], [dict(3)]Set@Dictionary[key, val] ]
		HelpOut(0) <- dict(3)

Dict Split(3,1)
	Out(0) <- Dict Split Helper[ [string(0)]Split@String[entrydelim(2)] , keydelim(1), 0, Dictionary[]]

In Helper(2,1)
	,out(0) <- If[ [[haystack(1)]Length] > [0] ]
		[haystack(1)]Slice[ [needle(0)]Length ]
			out(0) <- If[ [needle(0)] = [~] ]
				|: :|
					out(0) <- In Helper[needle(0), ~]

	,out(0) <- If[ [[needle(0)]Length] > [0] ]
		out(0) <- In Helper[needle(0), haystack(1)]

Left Trim(2,1)
	If[ [[string(0)]Length] > [0] ]
		first,rest <- [string(0)]Slice[1]
		If[ [first]In[trim(1)] ]
			trimmed(0) <- Left Trim[rest, trim(1)]
			trimmed(0) <- string(0)
		trimmed(0) <- string(0)

Right Trim(2,1)
	If[ [[string(0)]Length] > [0] ]
		rest,last <- [string(0)]Slice[ [[string(0)]Length] - [1]]
		If[ [last]In[trim(1)] ]
			trimmed(0) <- Right Trim[rest, trim(1)]
			trimmed(0) <- string(0)
		trimmed(0) <- string(0)

	left <- Left Trim[string(0), trim(1)]
	trimmed(0) <- Right Trim[left, trim(1)]

	If[[(0)] > [(1)]]
		(0) <- (0)
		(0) <- (1)

Count Substring(2,1)
	out(0) <- Max[[[[string(0)]Split[sub(1)]]Length] - [1], 0]

KeyVal Helper(5,1)
	new string <- [[[string(4)]Append[key(1)]]Append[key sep(2)]]Append[ [container(0)]Index[key(1)] ]
		out(0) <- KeyVal Helper[container(0), ~, key sep(2), val sep(3), [new string]Append[val sep(3)]]
		out(0) <- Val[new string]

Key Value Join(3,1)
		out(0) <- KeyVal Helper[container(0), ~, key sep(1), val sep(2), ""]
		out(0) <- ""

Combine Helper(3,1)
	new dest <- [dest(1)]Set[key(2), [source(0)]Index[key(2)]]
		out(0) <- Combine Helper[source(0), new dest, ~]
		out(0) <- Val[new dest]

		out(0) <- Combine Helper[source(0), dest(1), ~]
		out(0) <- dest(1)

Fold Helper(4,1)
	newval <- [
			[[[List[]]Append[ start(2) ]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]]Append[index(1)]
		out(0) <- Fold Helper[list(0), ~, newval, worker(3)]
		out(0) <- Val[newval]

		out(0) <- Fold Helper[list(2), ~, start(1), worker(0)]
		out(0) <- start(1)

	prev <- [index(1)] - [1]
	If[[prev] < [0]]
		not found(1) <- list(0)
			out(0) <- Val[prev]
			out(0), not found(1) <- [list(0)]Previous@List[prev]

	out(0), not found(1) <- [list(0)]Previous@List[[list(0)]Length]

Reverse Fold Helper(4,1)
	newval <- [
			[[[List[]]Append[ start(2) ]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]]Append[index(1)]
		out(0) <- Reverse Fold Helper[list(0), ~, newval, worker(3)]
		out(0) <- Val[newval]

Reverse Fold(3,1)
		out(0) <- Reverse Fold Helper[list(2), ~, start(1), worker(0)]
		out(0) <- start(1)

Join Helper(4,1)
		out(0) <- Join Helper[list(0), delim(1), [[current(2)]Append[delim(1)]]Append[[list(0)]Index[~]], ~]
		out(0) <- current(2)

		out(0) <- Join Helper[list(0), delim(1), [list(0)]Index[~], ~]
		out(0) <- ""

	replaced(0) <- [[string(0)]Split[find(1)]]Join[replace(2)]	

	out(0) <- Fold[["Append"]<String@Worker, left(0), right(1)]

	out(0) <- [[[[[string(0)]Replace["\\","\\\\"]]Replace[",","\\c"]]Replace["\n","\\n"]]Replace["{","\\l"]]Replace["}","\\r"]

	out(0) <- [[[[[string(0)]Replace["\\c",","]]Replace["\\n","\n"]]Replace["\\l","{"]]Replace["\\r","}"]]Replace["\\\\","\\"]

	out(0) <- [["{"]Append[[Map[list(0), ["Serialize"]<String@Worker]]Join[","]]]Append["}"]

Starts With(2,1)
	out(0) <- [[thing(0)]Slice[ [starts with(1)]Length ]] = [starts with(1)]

Ends With(2,1)
	,compare <- [thing(0)]Slice[ [[thing(0)]Length] - [[ends with (1)]Length] ]
	out(0) <- [compare] = [ends with(1)]

Unserialize Helper(3,3)
	current <- [parts(0)]Index[index(1)]
	If[[current]Starts With["{"]]
		,first <- [current]Slice[1]
		list entry, index, bracketnum <- Unserialize Helper[ [parts(0)]Set[index(1), first], index(1), List[]]
		If[[bracketnum] = [0]]
				out(0), index(1), bracketnum(2) <- Unserialize Helper[parts(0), ~, [destlist(2)]Append[list entry]]
				out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[list entry]
				index(1) <- index(1)
				bracketnum(2) <- 0
			out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[list entry]
			index(1) <- Val[index]
			bracketnum(2) <- [bracketnum] - [1]
		If[[current]Ends With["}"]]
			parts <- [current]Split["}"]
			entry <- [parts]Index[0]
			If[[[entry]Length] = [0]]
				out(0) <- destlist(2)
				out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[ [entry]Unserialize@String ]
			bracketnum(2) <- [[parts]Length] - [2]
			index(1) <- index(1)
				out(0), index(1), bracketnum(2) <- Unserialize Helper[parts(0), ~, [destlist(2)]Append[[current]Unserialize@String]]
				out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[[current]Unserialize@String]
				index(1) <- index(1)
				bracketnum(2) <- 0

Generic Unserialize(1,1)
	parts <- [serialized(0)]Split[","]
		out(0) <- Unserialize Helper[parts, ~, List[]]
		out(0) <- List[]

_Object to Dict(4,1)
	field <- [field list(1)]Index[index(2)]
	[object(0)]Get Field[field]
		nextdict <- [dict(3)]Set[field, ~]
		nextdict <- dict(3)
	[field list(1)]Next[index(2)]
		out(0) <- _Object to Dict[object(0), field list(1), ~, nextdict]
		out(0) <- Val[nextdict]

Get Pretty Print Value(1,5)
	If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["List"]]
		value(4) <- value(0)
		list <- value(0)
		object <- value(0)
		If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Dictionary"]]
			value(4) <- value(0)
			list <- value(0)
			object <- value(0)
			If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["String"]]
				value(4) <- value(0)
				print(0) <- value(0)
				done(3) <- 1
				If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Whole Number"]]
					value(4) <- value(0)
					print(0) <- value(0)
					done(3) <- 1
					If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Yes No"]]
						value(4) <- value(0)
						print(0) <- value(0)
						done(3) <- 1
						If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Real Number"]]
							value(4) <- value(0)
							print(0) <- value(0)
							done(3) <- 1
							object <- value(0)
							fieldlist <- [Blueprint Of[value(0)]]Get Fields
								list <- _Object to Dict[value(0), fieldlist, ~, Dictionary[]]
								value(4) <- Val[list]
								value(4) <- value(0)
								done(3) <- 1
	print(0) <- Type Of[object]
	index(1) <- [list]First |::|
		print indent(2) <- "{Empty}"

Pretty Print Helper(3,1)
	newtabs <- [tabs(1)]Append["    "]
	print,index,indented,done,value <- Get Pretty Print Value[[list(0)]Index[index(2)]]
	Print[ [[[tabs(1)]Append[index(2)]]Append[": "]]Append[print] ]
		done <- Pretty Print Helper[value,newtabs ,index]
		done <- Print[[newtabs]Append[indented]]
				out(0) <- Pretty Print Helper[list(0), tabs(1), ~]
				out(0) <- 1

Pretty Print(2,1)
	newtabs <- [tabs(1)]Append["    "]
	,index,indented,,value <- Get Pretty Print Value[toprint(0)]
			Pretty Print Helper[value,newtabs ,index]
	out(0) <- 1

As List@String(1,1)
	out(0) <- [List[]]Append[string(0)]

As List@List(1,1)
	(0) <- (0)

Check Starts(3,1)
	If[ [prev(1)] = [""] ]
		If[ [string(0)]Starts With[el(2)] ]
			out(0) <- el(2)
			out(0) <- prev(1)
		out(0) <- prev(1)

_Get DString@String(2,4)
	If[ [[string(0)]Length] = [0]]
		nomatch(3) <- Yes
		before delim(1) <- ""
		match <- Fold[["Check Starts"]Set Input[0, string(0)], "", delims(1)]
		If[ [match] = [""] ]
			first,rest <- [string(0)]Slice[1]
			rest(0),before,delim(2),nomatch(3) <- _Get DString@String[rest, delims(1)]
			before delim(1) <- [first]Append[before]
			junk,rest(0) <- [string(0)]Slice[ [match]Length ]
			before delim(1) <- ""
			delim(2) <- Val[match]

//Get DString@String(2,4)
//	delims <- [delim(1)]As List
//	rest(0), before delim(1), delim(2), nomatch(3) <- _Get DString@String[string(0), delims]

Filter Helper(4,1)
	filter? <- [
			[List[]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]
		newlist <- [newlist(3)]Append[[list(0)]Index[index(1)]]
		newlist <- newlist(3)
		out(0) <- Filter Helper[list(0), ~, worker(2), newlist]
		out(0) <- Val[newlist]

		out(0) <- Filter Helper[list(0), ~, worker(1), List[]]
		out(0) <- list(0)

		out(0) <- [list(0)]Remove[~]
		out(0) <- list(0)

		out(0) <- [list(0)]Index[~]
		empty(1) <- list(0)

	[haystack(0)]Get DString[needle(1)]
		out(0) <- Yes
	:| |::| |::| |:
		out(0) <- No

	If[[[haystack(0)]Index[index(2)]] = [needle(1)]]
		index(0) <- index(2)
			index(0),notfound(1) <- _Find[haystack(0),needle(1),~]
			notfound(1) <- needle(1)

		index(0),not found(1) <- _Find[haystack(0), needle(1), ~]
		not found(1) <- needle(1)


		out(0) <- _Tail[list(0), ~, [newlist(2)]Append[[list(0)]Index[~]]]
		out(0) <- newlist(2)

	newlist <- [list(0)]New Like
		out(0) <- _Tail[list(0), start(1), [newlist]Append[~]]
		out(0) <- Val[newlist]

	out(0) <- [list(0)]Append[key(2)]

	out(0) <- Fold["_Keys", List[], container(0)]