view webserver.vistxt @ 75:0083b2f7b3c7

Partially working implementation of List. Modified build scripts to allow use of other compilers. Fixed some bugs involving method implementations on different types returning different numbers of outputs. Added Fold to the 'builtins' in the comipler.
author Mike Pavone <>
date Tue, 06 Jul 2010 07:52:59 -0400
parents 76568becd6d6
line wrap: on
line source

Import extendlib.vistxt

Get Content Type(1,1)
	parts <- [path(0)]Split["."]
	ext <- [parts]Index[ [[parts]Length] - [1] ]
	If[ [ext] = ["html"] ]
		out(0) <- "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
		If[ [ext] = ["jpg"] ]
			out(0) <- "image/jpeg"
			If[ [ext] = ["gif"] ]
				out(0) <- "image/gif"
				If[ [ext] = ["css"] ]
					out(0) <- "text/css"
					out(0) <- "application/octet-stream"

HTTP OK(4,1)
	out(0) <- HTTP Response[client(0), type(1), content length(2), headers(3), "200 OK"]

HTTP Response(5,1)
	start headers <- [New@Dictionary[]]Set["Content-Type", type(1)]
	If[[content length(2)] < [0]]
		default headers <- [start headers]Set["Transfer-Encoding", "Chunked"]
		default headers <- [start headers]Set["Content-Length", content length(2)]
	out(0) <- [client(0)]Put String@Net Client[
							["HTTP/1.1 "]Append[code(4)]
							Combine[headers(3), default headers]
						]Key Value Join[": ", "\r\n"]

HTTP Not Found(1,0)
	string <- "<html><head><title>Document Not Found</title></head><body>The document you requested is not available on this server.</body></html>"
	HTTP Response[client(0), Get Content Type[".html"], [string]Length, New@Dictionary[], "404 Not Found"]
		[~]Put String[string]

Handle Request(5,0)
	parts <- [query(2)]Split["?"]
	path <- [parts]Index[0]
		handlerpath <- ["/"]Append[~]
		handlerpath <- "/"
		If[[[parts]Length] > [1]]
			queryvars <- Dict Split[[parts]Index[1], "=", "&"]
			queryvars <- New@Dictionary[]
		[~]Do@Worker[ [[[[[New@List[]]Append[client(0)]]Append[path]]Append[type(1)]]Append[queryvars]]Append[headers(3)] ]

		,newpath <- [path]Slice@String[1]
		file <- <String@File[newpath]
		content length <- Length[file]
		If[[content length] > [0]]
			junk,data <- [file]Get FString[content length]
			[HTTP OK[client(0), Get Content Type[path], content length, New@Dictionary[]]
			]Put String@Net Client[data]
			HTTP Not Found[client(0)]

Connection Start(2,0)
	client, request <- [con(0)]Get DString@Net Client["\r\n"]
	parts <- [request]Split@String[" "]
	[client]Get DString@Net Client["\r\n\r\n"]
		Handle Request[~, [parts]Index@List[0], [parts]Index@List[1], headers, handlers(1)]
		headers <- Map[Dict Split[~, ":", "\r\n"], ["Trim"]Set Input[1, " \t"]]