view compile_old_c.rhope @ 135:18a4403fe576

Javascript backend can now produce broken output. Needs fixes plus port of standard lib
author Mike Pavone <>
date Sun, 14 Nov 2010 03:09:49 -0500
parents 25a205094f9b
children fc3815b7462f
line wrap: on
line source

Import parser_old_c.rhope
Import cbackend_c.rhope
Import jsbackend.rhope

Other Short[arg,list:out]
		out <- list
		rest,last <- [arg]Slice[ [[arg]Length]-[1] ]
		out <- Other Short[rest, [list]Append[last]]

Check Short Val[short,args,cur,shortopts,curopts:fname,opts,next,nofname]
		val <- [args]Index[cur]
		nidx <- [cur]+[1]
		val <- Yes
		nidx <- Val[cur]
	fname,opts,next,nofname <- Parse Args[args,nidx,shortopts,_Set Short[shortopts,curopts,short,val]]

_Set Short[shortopts,dict,short,val:out]
		out <- [dict]Set[~, val]
		Print[["Unrecognized short option: "]Append[short]]
		out <- dict

Parse Args[args,cur,shortopts,curopts:fname,opts,next,nofname]
	arg,nofname <- [args]Index[cur]
		If[[~]Starts With["-"]]
			If[[arg]Starts With["--"]]
				,,after <- [arg]Partition["="]
					[~]Slice[2] {}
					{ nextopts <- [curopts]Set[~, after] }
				} {} {} {
					[arg]Slice[2] {}
					{ nextopts <- [curopts]Set[~, Yes] }
				fname,opts,next,nofname <- Parse Args[args,[cur]+[1],shortopts,nextopts]
				rest,last <- [arg]Slice[ [[arg]Length]-[1] ]
				fname,opts,next,nofname <- Check Short Val[last,args, [cur]+[1], shortopts, 
											Fold[_Set Short[shortopts,?,?,Yes], curopts, Other Short[rest, ()]]]
			fname <- Val[arg]
			opts <- curopts
			next <- [cur]+[1]


        fname,options <- Parse Args[args,1,[Dictionary[]]Set["b", "backend"],Dictionary[]]
                file <- [File[~]]Open["r"]
                text <- String[[file]Read[[file]Length]]
                params <- Parser[]
                Print[["Parsing "]Append[fname]]
                Null[text, params, Parse Program[], 0]
                        Print["Parsing imports"]
                        Process Imports[~, params]
                                tree <- [~]Workers << [ Map[[~]Workers >>, Check Worker Literals[?, ~]] ]
                                { Print["Compiling"] }
                        backmap <- [[Dictionary[]
                        	]Set["javascript", JS Program[?]]
                        	]Set["c", C Program[?]]
                        sel <- [options]Index["backend"]
	                    	backend <- [backmap]Index[~]{}
	                    		Print[[["Unknown backend '"]Append[sel]]Append["' selected. Defaulting to C backend."]]
	                    		backend <- C Program[?]
                        }{ backend <- C Program[?] }
                        compiled <- [Tree to Program Native[tree]]Compile Program[Call[backend]]
                        { Print["Compiled program to backend"] }
                        outfname <- [compiled]Text Filename[fname]
                        outfile <- [File[outfname]]Truncate
                        [[compiled]Text]Write to File[outfile] 
                        { Print[["Wrote output to "]Append[outfname]] }
                Print["You must provide a file name to compile"]