view extendlib.vistxt @ 110:336da6ce8174

author Mike Pavone <>
date Wed, 06 Oct 2010 23:48:32 +0000
parents 6202b866d72c
line wrap: on
line source

	(0) <- (0)

Map Helper(3,1)
	newval <- [
			[List[]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]
		out(0) <- [Map Helper[list(0), ~, worker(2)]]Set[index(1), newval]
		out(0) <- [list(0)]Set[index(1), newval]

		out(0) <- Map Helper[list(0), ~, worker(1)]
		out(0) <- list(0)

New Like@List(1,1)
	out(0) <- List[]	

New Like@Dictionary(1,1)
	out(0) <- Dictionary[]

Key Value Map Helper(4,1)
		[[List[]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]]Append[index(1)]
		newval <- [~]Index[0]
		newkey <- [~]Index[1]
	next <- [newlist(2)]Set[newkey, newval]
		out(0) <- Key Value Map Helper[list(0), ~, next, worker(3)]
		out(0) <- Val[next]

Key Value Map(2,1)
		out(0) <- Key Value Map Helper[list(0), ~, New Like[list(0)], worker(1)]
		out(0) <- New Like[list(0)]

Dict Split Helper(4,1)
	If[ [i(2)] < [[list(0)]Length@List] ]
		keyval <- Split@String[ [list(0)]Index@List[i(2)], keydelim(1) ]
		key <- [keyval]Index@List[0]
		val <- [keyval]Index@List[1]
		HelpOut(0) <- Dict Split Helper[ list(0), keydelim(1), [i(2)] + [1], [dict(3)]Set@Dictionary[key, val] ]
		HelpOut(0) <- dict(3)

Dict Split(3,1)
	Out(0) <- Dict Split Helper[ [string(0)]Split@String[entrydelim(2)] , keydelim(1), 0, Dictionary[]]

In Helper(2,1)
	,out(0) <- If[ [[haystack(1)]Length] > [0] ]
		[haystack(1)]Slice[ [needle(0)]Length ]
			out(0) <- If[ [needle(0)] = [~] ]
				|: :|
					out(0) <- In Helper[needle(0), ~]

	,out(0) <- If[ [[needle(0)]Length] > [0] ]
		out(0) <- In Helper[needle(0), haystack(1)]

Left Trim(2,1)
	If[ [[string(0)]Length] > [0] ]
		first,rest <- [string(0)]Slice[1]
		If[ [first]In[trim(1)] ]
			trimmed(0) <- Left Trim[rest, trim(1)]
			trimmed(0) <- string(0)
		trimmed(0) <- string(0)

Right Trim(2,1)
	If[ [[string(0)]Length] > [0] ]
		rest,last <- [string(0)]Slice[ [[string(0)]Length] - [1]]
		If[ [last]In[trim(1)] ]
			trimmed(0) <- Right Trim[rest, trim(1)]
			trimmed(0) <- string(0)
		trimmed(0) <- string(0)

	left <- Left Trim[string(0), trim(1)]
	trimmed(0) <- Right Trim[left, trim(1)]

	If[[(0)] > [(1)]]
		(0) <- (0)
		(0) <- (1)

Count Substring(2,1)
	out(0) <- Max[[[[string(0)]Split[sub(1)]]Length] - [1], 0]

KeyVal Helper(5,1)
	new string <- [[[string(4)]Append[key(1)]]Append[key sep(2)]]Append[ [container(0)]Index[key(1)] ]
		out(0) <- KeyVal Helper[container(0), ~, key sep(2), val sep(3), [new string]Append[val sep(3)]]
		out(0) <- Val[new string]

Key Value Join(3,1)
		out(0) <- KeyVal Helper[container(0), ~, key sep(1), val sep(2), ""]
		out(0) <- ""

Combine Helper(3,1)
	new dest <- [dest(1)]Set[key(2), [source(0)]Index[key(2)]]
		out(0) <- Combine Helper[source(0), new dest, ~]
		out(0) <- Val[new dest]

		out(0) <- Combine Helper[source(0), dest(1), ~]
		out(0) <- dest(1)

Fold Helper(4,1)
	newval <- [
			[[[List[]]Append[ start(2) ]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]]Append[index(1)]
		out(0) <- Fold Helper[list(0), ~, newval, worker(3)]
		out(0) <- Val[newval]

		out(0) <- Fold Helper[list(2), ~, start(1), worker(0)]
		out(0) <- start(1)

	prev <- [index(1)] - [1]
	If[[prev] < [0]]
		not found(1) <- list(0)
			out(0) <- Val[prev]
			out(0), not found(1) <- [list(0)]Previous@List[prev]

	out(0), not found(1) <- [list(0)]Previous@List[[list(0)]Length]

Reverse Fold Helper(4,1)
	newval <- [
			[[[List[]]Append[ start(2) ]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]]Append[index(1)]
		out(0) <- Reverse Fold Helper[list(0), ~, newval, worker(3)]
		out(0) <- Val[newval]

Reverse Fold(3,1)
		out(0) <- Reverse Fold Helper[list(2), ~, start(1), worker(0)]
		out(0) <- start(1)

Join Helper(4,1)
		out(0) <- Join Helper[list(0), delim(1), [[current(2)]Append[delim(1)]]Append[[list(0)]Index[~]], ~]
		out(0) <- current(2)

		out(0) <- Join Helper[list(0), delim(1), [list(0)]Index[~], ~]
		out(0) <- ""

	replaced(0) <- [[string(0)]Split[find(1)]]Join[replace(2)]	

	out(0) <- Fold[["Append"]<String@Worker, left(0), right(1)]

	out(0) <- [[[[[string(0)]Replace["\\","\\\\"]]Replace[",","\\c"]]Replace["\n","\\n"]]Replace["{","\\l"]]Replace["}","\\r"]

	out(0) <- [[[[[string(0)]Replace["\\c",","]]Replace["\\n","\n"]]Replace["\\l","{"]]Replace["\\r","}"]]Replace["\\\\","\\"]

	out(0) <- [["{"]Append[[Map[list(0), ["Serialize"]<String@Worker]]Join[","]]]Append["}"]

Starts With(2,1)
	out(0) <- [[thing(0)]Slice[ [starts with(1)]Length ]] = [starts with(1)]

Ends With(2,1)
	,compare <- [thing(0)]Slice[ [[thing(0)]Length] - [[ends with (1)]Length] ]
	out(0) <- [compare] = [ends with(1)]

Unserialize Helper(3,3)
	current <- [parts(0)]Index[index(1)]
	If[[current]Starts With["{"]]
		,first <- [current]Slice[1]
		list entry, index, bracketnum <- Unserialize Helper[ [parts(0)]Set[index(1), first], index(1), List[]]
		If[[bracketnum] = [0]]
				out(0), index(1), bracketnum(2) <- Unserialize Helper[parts(0), ~, [destlist(2)]Append[list entry]]
				out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[list entry]
				index(1) <- index(1)
				bracketnum(2) <- 0
			out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[list entry]
			index(1) <- Val[index]
			bracketnum(2) <- [bracketnum] - [1]
		If[[current]Ends With["}"]]
			parts <- [current]Split["}"]
			entry <- [parts]Index[0]
			If[[[entry]Length] = [0]]
				out(0) <- destlist(2)
				out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[ [entry]Unserialize@String ]
			bracketnum(2) <- [[parts]Length] - [2]
			index(1) <- index(1)
				out(0), index(1), bracketnum(2) <- Unserialize Helper[parts(0), ~, [destlist(2)]Append[[current]Unserialize@String]]
				out(0) <- [destlist(2)]Append[[current]Unserialize@String]
				index(1) <- index(1)
				bracketnum(2) <- 0

Generic Unserialize(1,1)
	parts <- [serialized(0)]Split[","]
		out(0) <- Unserialize Helper[parts, ~, List[]]
		out(0) <- List[]

_Object to Dict(4,1)
	field <- [field list(1)]Index[index(2)]
	[object(0)]Get Field[field]
		nextdict <- [dict(3)]Set[field, ~]
		nextdict <- dict(3)
	[field list(1)]Next[index(2)]
		out(0) <- _Object to Dict[object(0), field list(1), ~, nextdict]
		out(0) <- Val[nextdict]

Get Pretty Print Value(1,5)
	If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["List"]]
		value(4) <- value(0)
		list <- value(0)
		object <- value(0)
		If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Dictionary"]]
			value(4) <- value(0)
			list <- value(0)
			object <- value(0)
			If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["String"]]
				value(4) <- value(0)
				print(0) <- value(0)
				done(3) <- 1
				If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Whole Number"]]
					value(4) <- value(0)
					print(0) <- value(0)
					done(3) <- 1
					If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Yes No"]]
						value(4) <- value(0)
						print(0) <- value(0)
						done(3) <- 1
						If[[Type Of[value(0)]] = ["Real Number"]]
							value(4) <- value(0)
							print(0) <- value(0)
							done(3) <- 1
							object <- value(0)
							fieldlist <- [Blueprint Of[value(0)]]Get Fields
								list <- _Object to Dict[value(0), fieldlist, ~, Dictionary[]]
								value(4) <- Val[list]
								value(4) <- value(0)
								done(3) <- 1
	print(0) <- Type Of[object]
	index(1) <- [list]First |::|
		print indent(2) <- "{Empty}"

Pretty Print Helper(3,1)
	newtabs <- [tabs(1)]Append["    "]
	print,index,indented,done,value <- Get Pretty Print Value[[list(0)]Index[index(2)]]
	Print[ [[[tabs(1)]Append[index(2)]]Append[": "]]Append[print] ]
		done <- Pretty Print Helper[value,newtabs ,index]
		done <- Print[[newtabs]Append[indented]]
				out(0) <- Pretty Print Helper[list(0), tabs(1), ~]
				out(0) <- 1

Pretty Print(2,1)
	newtabs <- [tabs(1)]Append["    "]
	,index,indented,,value <- Get Pretty Print Value[toprint(0)]
			Pretty Print Helper[value,newtabs ,index]
	out(0) <- 1

As List@String(1,1)
	out(0) <- [List[]]Append[string(0)]

As List@List(1,1)
	(0) <- (0)

Check Starts(3,1)
	If[ [prev(1)] = [""] ]
		If[ [string(0)]Starts With[el(2)] ]
			out(0) <- el(2)
			out(0) <- prev(1)
		out(0) <- prev(1)

_Get DString@String(2,4)
	If[ [[string(0)]Length] = [0]]
		nomatch(3) <- Yes
		before delim(1) <- ""
		match <- Fold[["Check Starts"]Set Input[0, string(0)], "", delims(1)]
		If[ [match] = [""] ]
			first,rest <- [string(0)]Slice[1]
			rest(0),before,delim(2),nomatch(3) <- _Get DString@String[rest, delims(1)]
			before delim(1) <- [first]Append[before]
			junk,rest(0) <- [string(0)]Slice[ [match]Length ]
			before delim(1) <- ""
			delim(2) <- Val[match]

//Get DString@String(2,4)
//	delims <- [delim(1)]As List
//	rest(0), before delim(1), delim(2), nomatch(3) <- _Get DString@String[string(0), delims]

Filter Helper(4,1)
	filter? <- [
			[List[]]Append[ [list(0)]Index[index(1)] ]
		newlist <- [newlist(3)]Append[[list(0)]Index[index(1)]]
		newlist <- newlist(3)
		out(0) <- Filter Helper[list(0), ~, worker(2), newlist]
		out(0) <- Val[newlist]

		out(0) <- Filter Helper[list(0), ~, worker(1), List[]]
		out(0) <- list(0)

		out(0) <- [list(0)]Remove[~]
		out(0) <- list(0)

		out(0) <- [list(0)]Index[~]
		empty(1) <- list(0)

	[haystack(0)]Get DString[needle(1)]
		out(0) <- Yes
	:| |::| |::| |:
		out(0) <- No

	If[[[haystack(0)]Index[index(2)]] = [needle(1)]]
		index(0) <- index(2)
			index(0),notfound(1) <- _Find[haystack(0),needle(1),~]
			notfound(1) <- needle(1)

		index(0),not found(1) <- _Find[haystack(0), needle(1), ~]
		not found(1) <- needle(1)


		out(0) <- _Tail[list(0), ~, [newlist(2)]Append[[list(0)]Index[~]]]
		out(0) <- newlist(2)

	newlist <- [list(0)]New Like
		out(0) <- _Tail[list(0), start(1), [newlist]Append[~]]
		out(0) <- Val[newlist]

	out(0) <- [list(0)]Append[key(2)]

	out(0) <- Fold["_Keys", List[], container(0)]