view webserver.rhope @ 110:336da6ce8174

author Mike Pavone <>
date Wed, 06 Oct 2010 23:48:32 +0000
parents 6202b866d72c
children 7bbdc034e347
line wrap: on
line source

Import extendlib.rhope

Get Content Type[path:out]
	parts <- [path]Split["."]
	ext <- [parts]Index[ [[parts]Length] - [1] ]
	If[ [ext] = ["html"] ]
		out <- "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
		If[ [ext] = ["jpg"] ]
			out <- "image/jpeg"
			If[ [ext] = ["gif"] ]
				out <- "image/gif"
				If[ [ext] = ["css"] ]
					out <- "text/css"
					out <- "application/octet-stream"

HTTP OK[client,type,content length,headers:out]
	out <- HTTP Response[client, type, content length, headers, "200 OK"]

HTTP Response[client,type,content length,headers,code:out]
	start headers <- [Dictionary[]]Set["Content-Type", type]
	If[[content length] < [0]]
		default headers <- [start headers]Set["Transfer-Encoding", "Chunked"]
		default headers <- [start headers]Set["Content-Length", content length]
	out <- [client]Put String@Net Client[
							["HTTP/1.1 "]Append[code]
							Combine[headers, default headers]
						]Key Value Join[": ", "\r\n"]

HTTP Not Found[client]
	string <- "<html><head><title>Document Not Found</title></head><body>The document you requested is not available on this server.</body></html>"
	HTTP Response[client, Get Content Type[".html"], [string]Length, Dictionary[], "404 Not Found"]
		[~]Put String[string]

Handle Request[client,type,query,headers,handler]
	parts <- [query]Split["?"]
	path <- [parts]Index[0]
		handlerpath <- ["/"]Append[~]
		handlerpath <- "/"
	host <- [headers]Index["Host"] {}
		host <- ""
	the handler <- [handler]Index[[host]Append[handlerpath]] {}
		the handler <- [handler]Index[handlerpath] {}
			,newpath <- [path]Slice[1]
			If[[newpath] = ["default.css"]]
			file <- <String@File[newpath]
			content length <- Length[file]
			If[[content length] > [0]]
				junk,data <- [file]Get FString[content length]
				[HTTP OK[client, Get Content Type[path], content length, Dictionary[]]
				]Put String@Net Client[data]
				HTTP Not Found[client]
				HTTP Not Found[client]

	Val[the handler]
		If[[[parts]Length] > [1]]
			queryvars <- Dict Split[[parts]Index[1], "=", "&"]
			queryvars <- Dictionary[]
		[~]Do@Worker[ [[[[[List[]]Append[client]]Append[path]]Append[type]]Append[queryvars]]Append[headers] ]

Connection Start[con,handlers]
	client, request <- [con]Get DString@Net Client["\r\n"]
	parts <- [request]Split@String[" "]
	[client]Get DString@Net Client["\r\n\r\n"]
		Handle Request[~, [parts]Index@List[0], [parts]Index@List[1], headers, handlers]
		headers <- Map[Dict Split[~, ":", "\r\n"], ["Trim"]Set Input[1, " \t"]]